EE-649 隠撮 和式便器にまたがったギャルのビチビチ下痢便 2

Fashion that emphasizes flashy makeup and legs that makes you look back just by walking in the city. I try to follow around a little, but the gals are somewhat strange. While worrying about the area around her abdomen, she is heading somewhere with a stern expression. If you follow behind, there is a public toilet. As soon as the gals straddle the toilet bowl, they let out a dirty fart that you can’t imagine from their appearance, and at the same time, they sprinkle brown water spray on the toilet bowl. They were straddling the toilet bowl for a long time, but the expression became stiffer as a big wave came, and the next moment, a large amount of feces spouted out with a violent fart sound. And the gals who were released from their abdominal pain returned to the city as if nothing had happened.

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920×1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 02:27:42
File Size: 5.45 GB

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