EE-637 学習塾トイレ隠撮 女子学生行列中おしっこ漏らし 2

There is only one unisex toilet in a small cram school. It is an inevitable and daily sight that people wait in line to use the toilet. The camera I set up captured the appearance of a female student who unfortunately leaked urine during the procession. Even during class, she must have put up with it and came to the bathroom with momentum, but seeing the situation where people were waiting gave her a sense of despair. As the urge to urinate wells up, the body becomes fidgety and endures with a desperate expression. There is no reason to endure forever, and they reach the limit and leak out grandly. When I rolled up the skirt so as not to get it wet, I could catch a glimpse of the pee that was slammed to the floor in a straight line, and the underwear and legs that had changed color.

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920×1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 02:06:31
File Size: 4.58 GB

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